New South Wales

Government’s MYEFO to bolster Australia's sustainable infrastructure pipeline

The Federal Government’s 2024-25 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) outlines an additional investment of nearly $3 billion in Australia’s infrastructure pipeline.

Tenders Victoria new this week

Victorian government tenders new this week.

$1B energy storage project with 500MW capacity approved in NSW, set to replace gas-fired plant, boosting renewable energy in the Hunter region

A proposal for a $1 billion, 500MW energy storage facility – that may supersede an approved proposal for a gas-fired power plant in the Hunter region of NSW – has been granted planning approval.

$484M health facility in Sydney approved, creating 2075 jobs with advanced biomedical research and medical infrastructure

A proposal for a $484 million health facility in Sydney has been given the go-ahead by planning authorities.

$103M high-tech defence manufacturing project approved in Hunter region, boosting aerospace and defence industries with major investment and job creation

A high technology industrial development proposed for the Hunter region of NSW has been given a green light by planning authorities.

Contractor appointed for $22 million health facility development in NSW Illawarra region as part of $780 million hospital project

A contractor has been appointed to lead construction of a $22 million health facility development in the Illawarra region of NSW.

$886 million wind farm and energy storage project proposed for south-western NSW, featuring 76 turbines and a 100MW battery system

A proposal is afoot for an $886 million wind farm and associated energy storage in the Murray region of south-western NSW.