A Kimberley road construction is ramping up with recruitment half complete and local contracts on offer.
A company in the final stages of developing a ground-breaking rare earths plant in WA’s north is looking for skilled workers.
A key contact has updated Projectory on a WA resources project.
A key contact has revealed a trio of opportunities to participate in a WA construction project.
A local shire has proposed the construction of a 400m wall to mitigate erosion risk.
A leading mining services and processing company has taken majority control of a Kimberley graphite project with a commitment to developing the plan and bringing it into production.
The environmental regulator has recommended the first stage of a Chinese company plan to irrigate more than 25,000ha of northern pastoral lands.
Expressions of interest have been called in a WA resources project.
A contract to upgrade the one of WA’s major highway through the Kimberly has been awarded.
A trio of Kimberley building companies has been awarded building and maintenance contracts under the $200 million North-West Aboriginal Housing Fund.