Construction Projects

Approval paves the way for environmentally innovative $200m data storage centre at Ultimo

The NSW Government has approved Global Switch's plans for a $200 million, six storey data storage centre at Ultimo near Sydney's CBD.

NSW Planning to assess newly lodged plans for $154m Warnervale Town Centre on Central Coast

The NSW Department of Planning will assess newly-lodged plans for a $154 million retail, commercial and leisure development within the proposed Warnervale Town Centre.

Westralia Airports Corporation to invest up to $500 million on passenger terminal developments

The owner and operator of Perth Airport expects to invest up to $500 million over the next three years to deliver new and expanded passenger terminals.

Approval for Shotts Industrial Park near Collie paves way for $3.5bn coal to urea plant and a char plant

A town planning scheme amendment and structure plan has been approved to create the Shotts Industrial Park, near Collie.

Monadelphous secures new construction contracts and additional work in mining worth $130m

Monadelphous Group Limited has secured new construction contracts in the iron ore market in WA and in the NSW gold market.

Rezoning of Marsden Park Industrial in Sydney's west paves way for $2bn Sydney Business Park

The NSW Government has rezoned Marsden Park Industrial paving the way for a $2bn residential and commercial development precinct.